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How to use this page:
Each product below includes 3 images. A
thumbnail picture (shown), a larger-than-life view, and an example of a
finished tree. Click on the thumbnail image to see the large view or click on
Example (under More info) to see realism in miniature. Select your browser's "Back" button to
return to this page from either view.
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We hope you'll agree the wait was worth it.
Bare Tree Frames set 'B'
Incredible Realism ...for Z-Scale too!
This heavy gauge (0.010" thick) fret contains an assortment of
highly detailed bare tree armatures that can easily be formed into
3-dimensional trees. Using 5 simple steps, in about 15 minutes time, a tree
can be produced to such a level of realism that it will look spectacular
in any detailed setting even without foliage! Finally, you can have
bare trees in winter scenes (click on the Example button above), or add some
dead or dying trees for variety. With the addition of foliage, these trees
become absolutely dazzling in their detailed likeness to the real thing.
Please check out our other Examples below. This fret contains the following: 4
trees, 22 N-scale feet tall, 5 trees, 20 feet tall, and 8 trees, 14 feet tall.
The slightly higher cost of these frets is due to the thicker high-purity
brass stock that is used to produce them.
Bare Tree Frames
set 'C'
Bare Tree Frames set 'D'
In this fret we have slightly different height trees. There are
13 trees, 16 scale-feet tall, and 12 trees, 18 feet tall. With a total of 25
trees, this fret would be great to make a small orchard next to a farmhouse.
How about placing them every 50 scale feet along a town street. Ideal for
smaller deciduous trees like Aspen, Alder or Birch for intermixing with pine
or fir trees.
© 2008 Ngineering
Bare Tree Frames set 'A'
This fret is a variation on set 'A' above with different tree
shapes in different quantities. It contains 12 trees, 14 scale feet tall, and
7 trees, 20 feet tall. Each of the frets have several tree frames that are
identical on that fret. It's worth noting that even with two identical tree
frames, it would be very difficult to produce two identical trees. The slight
variations in the bending processes from tree to tree produce sufficient
differences to give each a unique appearance. Add to this, the fact that each
can be positioned so it is viewed from a slightly different side or
angle, and each will be totally distinctive.
This fret contains our largest tree frames. There are 5 trees,
35 scale-feet tall. These majestic beauties can be formed into many different
varieties such as hardwoods like Oak or Walnut, or used as a foundation for a
Willow, Maple, Sycamore or Cottonwood. Use one as a focal point in a town
square. How about next to a farmhouse with a tire swing hanging from one of
the branches? Lots of possibilities.